25 Kasım 2011 Cuma

The Optimal Diet Tips

Unlike stereotypical “dieters,” my patients don’t “yo-yo” up and down the scale, nor do they flit from my diet to the next fad diet. Most have stayed with me for years, and the reason they stay is that my diet works. The Rosedale Diet is dramatically different from standard weight loss diets, which I believe is the key to its success.
The average American has such poor eating habits that making any change is likely going to be an improvement, but that’s not saying much F
ollow any of the popular weight-loss diets, and you’ll probably lose some weight, but you won’t be restoring leptin sensitivity as effectively, so you’ll still be battling hunger. Moreover, simply losing weight does not necessarily mean that you are losing weight in a healthy way, or that you’ll be able to keep it off. Eating for optimal health as well as to lose weight is a greater challenge, and doing it for the long-term is a greater challenge yet. Yet that is exactly what the Rosedale Diet does.
Virtually all of the popular diets today are basically variations on the same two themes: (1) the high carbohydrate–low fat diet (heavy in grains, starches, salads, and fruit) or (2) the high protein–low carbohydrate diet (heavy in meat, fish, poultry, dairy, and eggs). Neither type is as effective as mine, and no popular diet other than the Rosedale Diet has been shown to control leptin.
As its name implies, the high carbohydrate–low fat diet severely restricts fat intake. You can’t eat much protein because it is often high in fat, and you are forced to eat mostly starches (like pasta), grains, and salads. As I will explain later, many carbohydrates—even the ones you think are healthy—can cause those spikes in leptin that will make you leptin-resistant.
The all-the-protein-you-can-eat-diet fixates on eating protein and ignores fat. Your plate is piled high with meat of any kind, and as much as you like, but you are severely restricted in your carbohydrate intake. The dirty secret of high protein diets is that if you eat more protein than your body requires, the excess can turn toxic and can threaten your health. There is even growing evidence that a high protein diet significantly increases your risk of heart disease, another fact you won’t hear from proponents of these diets.
In contrast to the standard other weight-loss diets, the Rosedale Diet focuses on fat—burning fat and eating fat. In fact, it allows you to eat up to half or more of your daily calories in the form of fat, as long as it’s the right kind of fat. Since fat is what gives food much of its flavor and texture, eating a high fat diet is hardly a hardship. You also eat protein on my diet, but in the right amount, because excessive protein consumption can be dangerous. You can also eat a fair amount of carbohydrate, but only the healthy ones that won’t cause the precipitous spikes in leptin that are so damaging to health.

24 Kasım 2011 Perşembe


The Rosedale Diet works because it corrects the underlying metabolic aberration at the root cause of both obesity and premature aging: hormonal dysfunction. Hormones are chemical messengers that direct all body activities, including how much you eat, and ultimately, whether you are fat or fit. Your hormones can work for you or against you. The wrong diet creates hormonal imbalances that trigger hunger and food cravings, the main problems that prevent people from losing weight and keeping it off. The right diet—the Rosedale Diet—almost magically controls hunger and eliminates food cravings. That is why it works so well.
Hunger is a powerful force. As I tell my patients, following a diet while trying to fight hunger is like trying to hold on to the edge of a cliff and hoping that gravity will go away. Eventually, you’re going to let go. If you’re hungry, eventually you’re going to eat and chances are, you’ll overeat to make up for lost time.
How does my diet curb hunger? The Rosedale Diet is specially designed to control the key hormone that regulates both appetite and weight loss. That hormone is leptin. Leptin is produced by your fat cells. It tells your brain when to eat, how much to eat and most important, when to stop eating. Leptin is also critical for many of the body’s most important functions, including the regulation of blood circulation, the prevention of blood clots, making new bone, regulation of body temperature, and reproduction. In fact, if a woman produces too little leptin, sh
e will stop menstruating, and therefore will be unable to conceive. Very recently, leptin amazed the scientific community when it was found to be able to rewire critical and central portions of the brain to better do its bidding. The more scientists research leptin, the more they learn about how vital it is to life.
As hormones go, leptin is the new kid on the block. In fact, it’s so new, most of your doctors may not have heard of it, or are unsure what it does. Yet, I consider leptin to be so important for the health and wellbeing of my patients that I always measure their leptin levels, and if I have any say in the matter, doing so will become standard medical practice within a few years. Measuring leptin is easy—it’s a simple blood test—but it tells me volumes about my patients’ potential for gaining weight and the ease with which they will be able to shed excess pounds. Blood leptin levels indicate how well leptin is functioning in your body. High fasting levels of leptin (from blood taken after waking and before eating breakfast) mean that leptin is not functioning well, and therefore, unless leptin is brought down to a healthy level, losing weight and keeping it off will be an insurmountable challenge. Low fasting leptin levels mean that leptin is able to do its job and that your body won’t sabotage your weight-loss efforts by making you constantly hungry.
More important, leptin levels are a bellwether as to how well a person is aging. If their leptin levels are high, it bodes ominously for their health, and that bodes poorly for longevity. In fact, remember those calorie-deprived laboratory animals that were much healthier and lived well beyond their normal life span that I described earlier? They had very low leptin levels compared to their well-fed peers. Fortunately, it is easy to lower your leptin levels without starvation by following the Rosedale Diet, as I’ll describe later.

Get Slim, Live Longer, Be Healthier

Want a slim, sculpted body and a longer life? There’s a tried and true way to achieve both. Eating less ...a lot less. Decades ago, researchers discovered that if you put laboratory animals
on a very low calorie diet—about one-third fewer calories than normal—they can live up to two times longer than well-fed animals. Not surprisingly, food-restricted animals retain their sleek, youthful figures. What is truly amazing, however, is that their bodies not only appear younger, but by every objective laboratory measure, they are younger. Levels of key hormones that normally fluctuate with age, and other important markers of aging remain remarkably stable. Nor do food-restricted animals suffer as often from the chronic diseases associated with “normal” aging, such as diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.
Slim for life. Healthy for life. A longer life in a “younger” body. Despite these wonderful results, no one is seriously suggesting that humans should follow such a punishing diet. Who wants to starve? Who willingly can?
The fact is, you don’t have to starve to be in great shape or to enjoy the prospect of a longer, disease-free life. Thanks to the Rosedale Diet, you can have all the benefits of a strict, low calor
ie diet—a great body, great health, and the promise of longevity— without ever having to feel a hunger pang.
The even better news is that you can lose weight and get healthy while still eating delicious meals and snacks such as chicken tortillas, wraps, guacamole, nuts (even so-called fattening nuts like macadamia nuts), lobster salad, raspberry cheesecake, and eggs Benedict. No starving. No hunger. The best part of all is that you will be back in control of your hunger, your weight, and your life.
My program has worked for thousands of my patients, and it can work for you. By following the Rosedale Diet, my patients have not only successfully lost weight, but have rejuvenated their bodies and reclaimed their health. The once obese are now trim and fit, in an amazingly short period of time. Remarkably, the same biomarkers of longevity seen in calorie-restricted animals are seen in my patients. In fact, by every objective laboratory measure, my patients have “de-aged” their bodies:

High blood sugar levels, a hallmark of aging, fall to normal, healthy levels.

Body temperature stays lower in my patients, a sign that their bodies are running more efficiently.

Key hormones are restored to more youthful levels.

High blood lipid levels (triglycerides) plummet to a healthy range.
The so-called diseases of aging, such as type 2 diabetes, a veritable epidemic among people over forty, and heart disease, the number one killer of both men and women, are vastly improved. In fact, after following my program for a few weeks, my patients are able to throw out most of their prescription medicines.
My patients not only look great, but they tell me that they feel great too, and have a huge amount of energy. The best news is, unlike calorie-restricted animals who are kept in cages and starved to enjoy these benefits, my patients feel full and satisfied. It’s too early to say whether my patients will live longer—we need to wait another thirty or forty years for that data—but all indications are that they will. I can say with certainty that th
e quality of their lives is significantly better. (My patients can speak for themselves, and they do. They tell their own stories in their own words, throughout this book.)
Within this book, you will find the tools that you need to take back control of your weight, and ultimately, your life. You will be empowered with the latest scientific information on how to lose weight safely, quickly, and permanently. Once you start the Rosedale Diet, you, too, can experience the same spectacular success in terms of both weight loss and better health enjoyed by my patients.

Dr. Rosedale Biography. Who is Rosedale ?

The human body, not a single entity, but a large and beautiful community; cells and bacteria living in harmony with the direction of a republic to survive being a permanent employee, will call you. Aging, health and long life, accurate and effective communication between the different parts of the body all depend, in each of the harmonious unification of the universe. With his program, Dr.. The purpose of this communication to improve Rosedale; 20 trillion individual cells to work and to bring them together to work as a whole.

Within each of us the right information to perfect health and inner harmony, yet the patient lies in the people. Diabetes and heart disease is increasing at an alarming rate, and a large selection of ineffective and potentially harmful drugs, are prescribed an all-time high. Why? No worse than a generation before our genes turned off? Doctors Are less educated? Less active in our life? The answer is no. Root of the problem lies in the communication breakdown, which is a disruption in the harmony and unity between the 20 trillion cells.
An illness, an individual part is not a disease. Diabetes, blood sugar is not a disease, osteoporosis, calcium and heart disease, cholesterol is NOT a disease not a disease. , Is a disease caused by a part of the fault itself, but that part of the whole union interference in the instructions for a deduction.

Basic health care for slowing down the aging lock, debilitating, diseases such as diabetes and heart disease and reverse the growing power of the overall long-lived, and to improve the accuracy of this information. Through the program, we improve the communication and bring out a person in a happy and healthy
The purpose of all of us